Saturday, February 1, 2014

Why so fearless?

I wouldn't ever call myself a fearless person, I'm more of a worry wort. I worry about things that have never happened, could happen, I think may happen if something else were to happen or happened to someone else, blah, blah, blah...I just worry. I don't "go out on limbs". 

Then I met my husband, or should I say, started dating my husband. We "met" when we were about five and went to school together but didn't start dating until we were in our early twenties. On our second date, he introduced me to his women, aka, The Fearless Fifty. No, he didn't have fifty women per say but he did have fifty head of black cows all getting ready to have babies that he referred to as his women. I was fifty one. When he purchased these cows, they were old, broken mouth, crazy, and ugly. After having them for about two years, the women started coming around, their black coats were prettier, they were fat, and not quite as crazy. You couldn't kill them if you tried. Hence, fearless. 


Andy is very smart and an excellent mechanic, when we first started dating he was working as a field mechanic for John Deere and had been there for two years. With more ambition than most 22 year olds, his dream was to be self employed and farm for a living. In March of that year, he quit his steady, good, well-paying job to be self employed, run his bulldozer, farm, and mechanic for a living. It's pretty easy to have a comfortable life when you know you are going to have a paycheck every week from someone else, it takes a little bit more courage to willingly give-up that comfort and start writing your own pay check. Talk about a leap of faith. 

After Andy and I had been dating about 6 months, we found out I had to have brain surgery. It was a long summer, I was hateful, I was in pain, I screamed at him because I hurt so bad, I was working full-time and going to school full-time, I could barely drive, I could barely read, I couldn't feel my arms or legs, I couldn't eat, the only thing I ever wanted was complete silence and a Coke from Sonic, it was my drug of choice. Scared to death and without any other options, I had brain surgery in August. I was awful to him, I was mean, I was in pain and he was the last person I wanted to see during the first two hours after surgery, I came around and he patiently waited until I felt better, was nicer, and liked having him around (luckily that didn't take to long). I was off work and school for the next four months and we spent most every day together while I was recovering. 


I moved back to school in Columbia in January to finish my last semester of college, Andy had been self employed almost a year, we were living two hours away from each other and  anticipated getting married...soon. He called me one night at school and said "I think I'm going to buy Randy's land, 191 acres." Here we are 22 & 21 years old about to owe more money than we had ever made in our life.  Determined to make it work and not settling for mediocrity, we bought another 45 women to put on the land. 

Fast-forward two years, we've been married almost two years and just bought another 230 acres and another 35 women. Winter, Spring, Summer, or Fall, you will find Andy (us) taking risks, leaps of faith, and demonstrating a "you don't know 'til you try" attitude.  

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